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Anthology Submission









2020 Literary Wanderlust Anthology

Tales of Wanderlust, Vol 1


Lost in the Mirror: Stories Behind the Glass (Tales of Wanderlust, Vol 1)  


FICTION – LGBTQ+ Coming Out/Coming-of-Age/Identity


How many hours have we spent lost in the mirror… wishing the person we see wasn’t actually there…that somehow the face staring back would be someone else? What fairy tales has the mirror told about who or what your identity is? What happens when we dive in and explore what is truly lurking behind the glass?


This anthology will explore fictional tales of what the mirror cannot show: your sexual identity or sexual history.


Entry Rules: 

  • Submit at: http://QueryMe.Online/LiteraryWanderlust and type in the Referral line: Patrick (ANTHOLOGY)

  • Attach the full short story

  • Story must be between 2000-7500 words

  • Submission window will be open from October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019

  • There is no reading fee or entry fee

  • Selected stories/authors will be published in the Anthology

  • Selected stories/authors will receive one free copy of the eBook


About the Anthology:

Wanderlust: (n) a strong desire to travel. Whether that be a journey into self-discovery, exploring the fantastic realms that only exist in your mind, or running off to see something new, we all have the urge to travel. We all have a wanderlust for something. Literary Wanderlust seeks to further those narratives in our anthology dedicated to the literary exploration of tales. In the Tales of Wanderlust, each anthology focuses on a theme of exploration, discovery, and travel.

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